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Five stars
Где купить Five stars? Найти точки продаж Five stars, выбор Five stars, характеристики Five stars
Russian cognac five-year "Five Stars"
Capacity: 0,25/24 bottles/pack.
Strength: 40%
Color: Amber, rich, with red sparkles.
Bouquet: With light vanilla tones
Taste: Full, harmonious.
Five stars
Five stars
Где купить Five stars? Найти точки продаж Five stars, выбор Five stars, характеристики Five stars
Russian cognac five-year "Five Stars"
Capacity: 0,5/12 bottles/pack.
Strength: 40%
Color: Amber, rich, with red sparkles.
Bouquet: With light vanilla tones
Taste: Full, harmonious.
Five stars
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